Sep 29, 2009

Come visit us!
Tieton Cider Works will be sampling cider at the Yakima Fresh Hop Ale Festival Saturday October 3rd.
6-11 p.m. Saturday - Millennium Arts Plaza, 7 So. Third St. Yakima

This is a benefit for Allied Arts who we love and is a supercool asset to the community. Come on out and taste the cider and yummy ales.


OK So nothing went really smoothly with bottling...(maybe the pneumatic capper?) But we
persevered and after a few hard to understand phone calls to the crazy Czechoslovakian who fabricated the bottle filler, and lots of carbonated well water..we got the cider in the bottle!

3 blends of 12 x 750 ml + 8 kegs filled and staying nice and cold until the Yakima Fresh Hops Fest, the 2008 press is good to go.

Pressing Sept 2009 video


Our super new line that Craig, Jim , Kelly and Roy helped put together this summer worked like a champ.
No more standing bent over horse troughs full of freezing cold water, no more soaking wet hands and feet, no more lifting totes of apples in and out of bins and hand feeding the mill.
We have a bin dump, belts, rollers, elevator..super cool. We pressed 9 bins in @ 3 1/2 hours.


Harvest time is here for our cider apples,
and it's pretty darn exciting.

Sharon, Craig and I picked the Airport ranch- and got a good taste of what's to come.

To name a few...
Bulmers Norman, Stoke Red (a real spitter according to Fred), Kingston Black, Yarlington Mill, Chisel Jersey,Brown Snout, Vilberie, Harry Masters Jersey, Muscat de Berney, Dabinette, Calville de Blanc..and the words largest Bramley's Seedling ever...
